In the blockchain industry, ‘M & A-partnership truth-related dispute’ is happening … The industry is bruised because of an immature company.

While blockchain technology has been recognized in many areas such as identity verification, logistics, and distribution, some blockchain projects are showing signs of unusual business behavior leading to a decline in industry-wide confidence.

Experts point out that the blockchain industry is attracting attention and that large corporations are also jumping into this industry so that companies can improve the reliability of their industries by adopting more mature business methods and consumer responses.

According to the related industry on May 5, the controversy over the blockchain project ‘Refereum’, which recently announced a partnership with the global popular game Battleground, is spreading.

Refereum has partnered with PUBG Corporation, which developed Battlegrounds through official press releases, scoring the achievements within the battleground with PUBG and then awarding products such as cryptocurrency “RFR” and battleground backpacks in order of rank Official announcement.

“But it seems that the Refereum has been using Battleground’s open application API, which is open to anyone,” said PUBG. “We do not have a partnership with Refereum.”

Again, Refereum has “been working with the PUBG America team a number of times, and it is not true that the Refereum’s event has nothing to do with the PUBG”. Nevertheless, the PUBG is still repeating the stance of “partnership is not true”, adding to the confusion of users.

The reason why the controversy between Refereum and PUBG is attracting attention is that some of the blockchain projects have canceled as soon as announced the plans of collaboration and merger and acquisition (M & A) that are not true.

A typical example is the Cosmo Chain, beauty projects based on blockchain. The Cosmo Chain announced that it had decided to sell more than half of its stake in KaKao Investments, an investment company of Kakao, on July 4, but it has canceled the announcement in a few moments.

Cosmo Chain said that it has not been decided yet, but it is continuing negotiations to sell the stake. But the story of KaKao is different. A KaKao official said, “It is true that we have reviewed the acquisition of the Cosmo Chain stake, but we have decided not to invest in the final,” he said. “We have decided not to negotiate but decided not to invest.”

The Raid (RAID), which said it would manage game data with a blockchain, was also stranded virtually due to a sudden stoppage of its core partners. In March, the company decided to refund the entire amount of cryptocurrency already sold because of the suspension of cooperation with its core partner, OPGG.

It was confirmed that the partnership between Raid project and OPGG was suspended because the project was conducted without consulting with Riot Games, the developer of the global popular game ‘League of Legends’.

An industry analyst said, “The recent controversies seem to be due to the fact that, in many cases, the projects intentionally expose to investors what they are discussing or they should not disclose to the outside without signing a contract yet, and try to increase the price of a cryptocurrency.”
And he said, “This confusing thing to users and investors is the way to lose credibility throughout the industry.”

Another official said, “There are much more projects that concentrate on the price of cryptocurrency than a project that focuses on products or services.” In order to grow into an industry that attracts attention from the government as well as from the market, companies participating in the industry should also mature together. “

( Source: The Block Post )

Four days later( August 5th), the half-life of Litecoin comes!

The half-life of the world’s fourth-largest cryptocurrency Litecoin (LTC) based on market capitalization has come four days ahead.

Litecoin is coded to reduce mining compensation by half when the total number of mined blocks, such as Bitcoin, exceeds the predefined limits. Whenever a block is mined, 25 reward coins(about 2.85 million won) will be reduced to 12.5 after the half-day of 5th. Naturally, the rate at which the total supply of Litecoin increases is also significantly reduced.

The half-life of a cryptocurrency seems to be similar to the central bank’s interest rate being raised by soothing high inflation. So some people think that purchasing Litecoin before half-life is a benefit.

However, the price of Litecoin is expected to rise only slightly until half-life. Looking at the past six months’ price trends, we can see. Earlier investors bought Litecoin before the expected half-life, and Litecoin prices have already risen to come in this year.

In the first quarter when the winter of cryptocurrency still remained, it showed high alone in the highway.

The price of Litecoin, which traded at $ 30 per unit on January 1 of this year, increased to $ 61 on March 31, 100%. The first quarter of 2019 was recorded the most successful quarter of Litecoin after it came into the world. At that time, it was still before the end of the winter of cryptocurrency, and the price of Bitcoin remained almost unchanged for three months, so the movement of Litecoin was even better.

The price of Bitcoin has started to rebound in earnest on April 2, with the price of the major defensive line surpassing $ 4236 per unit. But Litecoin has continued to rise alone long before that. Even though it dropped back to $ 80 per unit at the beginning of the month, but once in June, the price of Litecoin soared to $ 140 per unit.

In addition to the price index, Litecoin has been strong since mid-December last year. Over the past two months, several indicators have been updated to record highs, a typical indicator is the hash rate that means the sum of the computing power put into mining. Litecoin’s hash rate rose 258% from 146.21 TH / s last December to 523.81 TH / s on July 14 last year.

The past is a mirror of the future?
Litecoin’s last half-life was four years ago, August 25, 2015. The price of Litecoin, which had been going up for several months ahead of its half-life, plummeted at a moment when the half-life was approaching. Litecoin prices, which were $ 1.12 / unit in January 2015, jumped to $ 8.72 / unit in July but plummeted to $ 2.55 just before the half-life. After the half-year, it did not exceed $ 2.5 to $ 5.5 over a year and a half but rose sharply in April 2017 in line with the general upward trend in cryptocurrencies’ price.

The price also climbed 100% in the first quarter and jumped to $ 145 per unit in June at the time. So far, it is similar to the pattern seen in the last half-life. If the past turns out to be a mirror of the future, Litecoin will not have a big price change after half-life. The other largest variable will be the price jump or sharp decline in the Bitcoin, which has the greatest impact on the overall market for cryptocurrency.

Once the hash rate is reduced
The half-life means that the compensation for mining is reduced by half. The difficulty of mining, the difficulty of mathematical problems that must be solved to verify transactions and mined blocks, does not mean that the half-life is coming right away. Hash rate will be lowered as miners evict others to mining other cryptocurrencies.

However, if the compensation for mining is halved, the inflation rate will decrease from 8.4% per year to 4% per year, which will reduce the cost of mining in the long run. As revenues (mining compensation) are reduced but costs are lowered, when the miners return to the Litecoin network again, the hash rate will increase, seeking a new equilibrium at a level comparable to that before the half-life.

Four years ago, the hash rate of Litecoin has fallen by 15% ahead of its half-life but gradually recovered to its original level for two weeks after the half-life.

( Source: Coindeskkorea )

모건크릭 창업자 “비트코인, 투자자 포트폴리오에 꼭 넣어야”

지난 몇 달 동안 미국과 중국, 주요 2개국(G2)의 무역 긴장이 심화되면서 글로벌 경제가 타격을 받아왔다. 글로벌 불안정성과 중앙은행이 경제를 조정하는 시기에 비트코인(BTC)을 포함한 대체자산(Alternative assets)에 대한 수요는 급격히 늘어날 것으로 추측된다. 앤서니 팜플리아노(Anthony Pompliano)는 이같은 전망에 동조하는 사람들 중 하나이다.

24일(현지시간) 암호화폐 전문 미디어 AMB크립토에 따르면 비트코인 강세론자이며 모건 크릭 디지털 에셋(Morgan Creek Digital Assets) 창업자인 앤서니 팜플리아노는 ‘오프 더 체인(Off The Chain)’ 최신호에서 “비트코인은 투자자의 포트폴리오에 추가할 수 있는 완벽한 자산”이라고 주장했다.

( Source : Raji Wahidy Twitter )

그러면서 그는 가용 자산의 5%를 비트코인에 투자하는 포트폴리오를 추천했다. 자산의 5%만 비트코인으로 구성하고, 나머지는 95%는 현금(예금)으로 보유하는 투자 포트폴리오로, 그는 이에 대해 ‘철저하게 보수적인 투자 전략(Radical Protection Portfolio)’이라고 설명했다. 

그는 또한 해당 투자 전략을 ‘철저하게 보수적인 투자 전략’이라고 이름을 붙인 것에 대해 “해당 포트폴리오에서 손실 발생 시 그 규모는 가용 자산의 5%를 넘지 않는다. 반면 잠재적인 연간 투자 수익률은 20% 이상까지 전망해볼 수 있다. 이 같이 안정적인 수익성을 점칠 수 있는 투자 포트폴리오는 많지 않다”고 덧붙였다.

앞서 그는 현금(99%)+비트코인(1%) 포트폴리오로 연간 10%의 수익률을 기록했으며, 그후 현금(98%)+비트코인(2%) 전략으로 연간 수익률 20%를 기록한 바 있다고 설명했다. 

그는 이같은 투자 전략에 대해 “현금, 비트코인 두 종류의 자산으로 투자 포트폴리오를 구성하는 것은 국채(Treasury bond)에 투자하는 것 보다 리스크가 작다”고 강조했다. 

( Source : PlanB Twitter )

한편 앤서니 팜플리아노는 최근 한 인터뷰에서 “비트코인은 ‘무조건’ 30만 달러에서 40만 달러까지 상승할 것”이라며 “이 수준까지 도달하는데 10년 이상의 시간이 필요하다”고 말했다.

( Source: )

초저금리 시대, 암호화폐 투자자를 위한 이자지급 상품 /서비스 쏟아진다.

최근 한국은행이 기준금리를 1.75%에서 1.5%로 내리면서, 앞으로의 경제상황에 따라 추가 인하가능성이 있음을 언급하자, 각 금융기관에서의 예금이자가 1%대로 떨어지고 있다.
이 기회를 틈타 암호화폐 거래소들이 장기 보유자들을 타겟으로 암호화폐를 장기간 맡기면 일종의 이자를 지급하는 서비스를 잇따라 선보이고 있어 주목된다.

특히 최근에는 암호화폐 노드 운영에 참여해 노드 운영수익을 제공하는 것을 넘어 암호화폐 대출 서비스를 연계해 이자를 받을 수 있도록 하는 일종의 금융상품을 선보이는 업체들도 등장하기 시작했다.

22일 관련 업계에 따르면 암호화폐 거래소들이 암호화폐 장기 보유자를 위한 이자수익 상품을 연달아 선보이고 있다. 장기 투자자들이 다른 거래소나 개인 암호화폐 지갑으로 암호화폐를 옮기지 않고 거래소에 보관할 수 있도록 하기 위한 전략으로 풀이된다.

■코인원, 노드 운영 수익 돌려주는 서비스 ‘코인원 노드’ 인기

코인원은 지난해 10월부터 ‘코인원 노드’ 서비스를 선보여 암호화폐 보유자들에게 일종의 이자 수익을 제공한다. 코인원 노드는 코인원이 암호화폐를 위임받아 노드 운영에 참여하고, 분배받는 운영수익을 위임해준 이용자들에게 돌려주는 서비스다.

현재 암호화폐 ‘테조스’와 ‘아톰’ 보유자들을 대상으로 코인원 노드 서비스를 제공한다. 향후 더 다양한 암호화폐로 노드 서비스를 확대할 예정이다.

■캐셔레스트 ‘블록체인 금융플랫폼’ 비전 제시

중견 암호화폐 거래소인 캐셔레스트는 아예 ‘블록체인 금융플랫폼’을 비전으로 제시하며 새로운 도약을 선언했다. 기존 금융 상품에 암호화폐 및 블록체인 기술을 활용한 서비스를 잇따라 선보이겠다는 각오다.

먼저 연내 P2P 암호화폐 렌딩 중개 서비스 ‘코인리스’와 암호화폐 결제 솔루션인 ‘캡페이’를 선보일 예정이다.

■아이더스, 매일 이자를 지급하는 랜딩상품 ‘AIDUS Pay’ 출시예정

글로벌 펀드상품을 가입할 수 있는 글로벌 펀드마켓 플랫폼을 구축중인 아이더스는 다음달 중으로 아이더스 토큰(AID)를 맡기면 연12%의 이자를 매일 지급해주는 ‘AIDUS Pay’라는 상품을 미국에서 출시할 예정이다.
특히, 아이더스 프로젝트에서 처음 출시하는 상품인 만큼 파격적인 이벤트가 진행중인데, 사전가입이벤트에 참여하면, 이자를 계산할 때 AID의 시세를 현 시세가 아닌 ICO 가격이었던 6센트를 적용하여 지급해준다고 한다.
예를들어, 현재 AID 가격이 2센트이고 100,000AID로 상품에 가입하면, 원금이 2,000달러로 이자는 240달러가 되므로, 매일 약 65센트의 이자를 받게되는데,
사전가입 이벤트에 동일한 수량의 AID로 참여하면, 총 받게되는 이자는 720달러로 매일 1.97달러를 받을 수가 있다. 이는 실제 36%에 해당하는 이자이다.

최근 카카오뱅크에서 연 5%의 정기예금을 출시했는데, 단 1초만에 마감되었다는 소식이 있었다. 5%에 비하면 36%는 투자자에게는 엄청난 상품이 아닐 수 없다.

이 상품은 단순 랜딩상품이 아니고, 운용사에서 투자자들로 부터 AID를 빌려서 QTS로 운영되는 펀드상품에 가입을 하고, 거기서 나오는 수익에서 약정된 이자를 지급해주는 방식이다. 빌린 AID는 바로 유동성 공급 회사(LP)에 맡기고 USD로 환전하여 펀드상품에 투자되며, 만기시 LP사가 동일 환율로 AID로 재환전하여 주므로 AID의 가격변동 리스크에는 노출되지 않는 상품이다.
( 참고: )

Japanese exchange, Bitpoint was hacked $32million

일본의 암호화폐 거래소 비트포인트 32백만달러어치 코인 해킹당하다!

A large Japanese crypto exchange Bitpoint has been hacked. Hackers managed to withdraw $ 32 million.

Right now, the exchange has stopped absolutely all processes.

It is still unknown which cryptocurrencies were stolen.

Parent company Exchange Remixpoint Inc. in an official statement said that $ 23 million of the stolen funds belonged to customers.

This is not the first case of a successful attack on the Japanese stock exchange cryptocurrency, after each of which the local regulator carried out checks and tightened the rules. In September 2018, Zaif, also registered with the Financial Services Agency of Japan, lost $ 60 million in cryptocurrency, and at the beginning of that year, the Coincheck exchange nominally lost $ 520 million.

일본의 대형 암호화폐 거래소 Bitpoint가 해킹을 당했습니다. 해커들은 32백만달러를 인출해갔습니다.
지금 거래소는 모든 거래를 완전히 중단시킨 상태입니다.

암호화폐가 도난당한 것인지는 아직도 알려지지 않았습니다.
모기업인 Exchange Remixpoin Inc.는 공식 발표에서 고객 소유의 23백만달러의 자금을 도난당했다고 말했습니다.

이번 사건이 지방 규제당국이 점검을 수행하고 법률을 강화한 이후에 일본 암호화폐 거래소에서 발생한 공격 중 최초의 성공 케이스는 아닙니다. 2018년 9월에, 일본의 금융서비스국에 등록된 Zaif는 암호화폐 6천만달러 어치를 도난당했고, 그해 초에는 Coincheck라는 거래소가 5억2천만달러를 도난당하기도 했습니다.

(source : )

Donald Trump said, “Bitcoin is been using…. Libra is unreliable”

트럼프 “비트코인 불법적 활용…리브라 신뢰성 없어”

US President Donald Trump said on his official Twitter account that “I am not a fan of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin is not money, and value variability is very large and there is no value to be based on. Uncontrolled cryptocurrency assets can promote drug trade and other illegal actions.” Trump has just before and said, “Likewise, Facebook’s “cryptocurrency” has also a very weak base and is unreliable. If Facebook and other cryptocurrencies want to be themselves banks, they have to accept new licenses and all the regulations.” He says, “The United States has only one currency, and it will most likely remain that way in the most dominant currency anywhere in the world. It is the dollar. “

12일(현지시간) 오전 도널드 트럼프 미국 대통령이 공식 트위터 계정을 통해 “나는 비트코인과 다른 암호화폐의 팬이 아니다.
비트코인은 화폐가 아니며, 가치 변동성이 매우 크고 기반이 되는 가치가 없다. 규제되지 않은 암호화 자산은 약물 거래와 다른 불법적인 행동을 촉진할 수 있다”고 밝혔다. 트럼프는 방금전 또한 “마찬가지로 페이스북 리브라의 ‘암호화폐’도 기반이 약하고 신뢰성이 거의 없다. 만약 페이스북과 다른 암호화폐 업체들이 스스로 은행이 되기를 원한다면, 새로운 라이선스와 모든 규제를 받아들여야 한다”고 밝혔다. 그러면서 그는 “미국에는 단 하나의 통화를 가지고 있으며, 그것은 믿을 수 있고 믿을 수 있는 어느 때보다도 강력하다. 그것은 단연코 세계 어느 곳에서도 가장 지배적인 통화로, 항상 그런 식으로 유지될 것이다. 그것은 바로 달러다”라고 말했다.

‘Binance Futures’ for trading of Bitcoin futures will be launched in the next month.

비트코인 선물거래를 위한 ‘바이낸스 퓨쳐스’ 다음달 중 출범

Changpen Zhao, CEO of Binance, announced “Binance Futures, futures trading platform, will be opened in the next month.” in the Asia Blockcahin Summit which held in Taipei on 2nd July.
He said that Binance is testing simulation now and will open it in real time inner a few weeks, and is preparing margin trading with BitFinex, Poloniex, Huobi, and Kraken, etc.
They say that at first 20 times futures of Bitcoin (BTC/USDT) will be traded and they plan to increase the level of leverage and the number of trading items in the future.

바이낸스의 CEO, Changpen Zhao는 “선물거래 플랫폼인 바이낸스 퓨쳐스가 다음달 중에 오픈될 예정이다”라고 오늘 타이페이에서 열린 아시아 블록체인 써밋에서 밝혔다.
그는 바이낸스가 현재 시뮬레이션 진행중에 있으며, 몇 주 내에 이를 실시간으로 공개할 예정이고, 비트파이넥스, 폴로닉스, 후오비, 크라켄 등의 거래소들과 마진거래를 준비하고 있다고 말했다.
처음에는 20배 비트코인 선물이 거래될 것이고, 이후에 레버리지 수준과 거래 종목수도 늘려나갈 계획이라고 한다.

Release of AISYS Global ‘AIDUS Pay’

Presentation of a new paradigm of the financial world

Encashment of tokens — Daily payments of investment profit. — Investment token assurance, release etc.

“Possible thanks to the excellent performance of QTS”… Notice of tectonic shifts in financial market

AISYS Global (CEO David Chen), located in Singapore, has unveiled ‘AIDUS Pay’, which will become a new paradigm of the financial industry. The company has not only released the ‘AIDUS Pay’, but it also presented 3 paradigms.

The three paradigms have the following content:

▲ Presentation of AIDUS tokens (AID) as a new investment product under which it can be used as cash for the first time in the world;
▲ daily payments are made through calculation of 12% investment profit per annum.
▲ when investing with a token, AIDUS will double the escrow and guarantee the invested token.

‘AIDUS Pay’ means that everyone, who uses AIDUS tokens, can subscribe to fund anywhere in the world. It also pays 12% annually, which is higher than other financial institutions, while profits are calculated on a daily basis and are presented in very exceptional conditions every day.

The tokens invested by investors are double-escrowed by the company. Thereby, if any operational problem happens, the tokens that are set as escrows are paid to the holder who invested, so it is secured.

CEO David Chen emphasized:

“Considering the fact, that financial products that offer 3 ~ 4% interest annually in the financial market are gaining in popularity, ‘AIDUS Pay’ presents a new financial paradigm implying a daily profits payment with an annual return of 12%. The reason for the presentation of such exceptional conditions is the superior performance of QTS (Quant Trading System), which has been developed by AISYS Global and continues to generate profits for years”.

The yield of AISYS Global QTS is announced every month after notarization through US accounting firm called PKF O`CONNOR DAVIES.
‘AIDUS Pay’ is expected to be released in the third quarter of 2019.

`AIDUS Pay` services can be subscribed using only AIDUS token (symbol: AID). Hence, this paradigm is expected to have a positive impact on the AIDUS project’s ecosystem on the whole.

Keep paying attention to AIDUS Project!

Because of a super designer … Apple’s market capitalization of 10 trillion won has gone!

Shortly after the closing of the stock market on Tuesday, Apple announced the resignation of an executive at year-end. Since then, Apple shares have fallen 1% in the OTC market. In terms of amount, 9 billion dollars (about 10 trillion won) of the market capitalization has disappeared. Jonathan Ive (52), Chief Design Officer (CDO), has over 20 years’ experience designing Apple’s flagship products such as the iPhone and iPad.
However, when Apple CEO Steve Jobs died in October 2011, Apple shares fell only 0.23%. Ive’s influence is that big.

Ive is called a business partner who has made Apple mythology with Jobs. When Jobs came up with a product that was not in the world, Ive built it into a product. The ‘aesthetics of simplicity’ that Jobs pursued was embodied in sketches by Ive.

He was born in 1967 in London, England. Until college, he was close to ‘computer illiteracy’ and he dreamed of becoming a car designer, but he did not even think about electronic design. In 1989, Apple’s Macintosh PC changed his life. “I was fascinated by the intuitive design that made it so easy for people who are not familiar with computers like me,” Ive said.

Eve became Apple’s designer in 1992. In fact, he was not noticed early in his career. Since Jobs left the company in 1985, Apple has become a company that focuses on product performance and price rather than design. Because of the failure to differentiate products, Apple ran into a default crisis in the mid-1990s.


When Jobs returned to CEO in 1997, Ive got a chance. In 1998, Ive’s first work, the all-in-one desktop “iMac” hit a big hit. The design of translucent material, which is visible through the inside, shook the conventional PC market which was gray only. Apple, which had a deficit of $ 1 billion in 1997, made a surplus of $ 400 million in 1998.


The second hit was the iPod, released in 2001. Ive has succeeded in a novel product that rubs or manipulates the “wheel”, unlike the conventional MP3 player that operates by pressing the button. Since then, the iPhone, the iPad in 2010, and the Apple Watch in 2015 have been born through his hands. “I cannot emphasize the role of Johnny (Iv nickname) who contributed to Apple’s resurgence,” said Tim Cook, CEO of Apple. Ive was knighted in 2012 by the British Royal Family.

Ive was knighted in  2012

Jobs called Ive “my soul mate”. So Ive knew Jobs well and was able to express his philosophy in design. Ive and Jobs walked together almost every day and talked about product design. The company called their names ‘Jobs’ and ‘Ive’ together as ‘Jives’.

The two resemble even obsession with detail. Ive made 1000 prototypes each time he designed one product. “It’s easy to change, but it’s very hard to get better,” he said in an interview in the past.

Jobs respected Ive’s opinion. When Ive designed the iPod, he said it would make the product itself, as well as the charging cable and earphone in white. Until then, most of the earphones were black, and Jobs was skeptical of making the entire product in white. But Ive convinced him that “I put a colorful color on the iMac so that the color of the iPod is simple,” and Jobs accepted his opinion.

Ive was named the most influential person in Apple after Jobs. He was once considered CEO of Jobs, but he was told that he would continue to work as design manager and rejected it. Ive plans to come up with a design company called “LoveFrom” from Apple this year. Bloomberg reported, “The first customer of Love forums is Apple.” “It’s time for a natural and tangible change to happen,” Ive said.

러시아의 유명 미디어 인사 Olga Buzova의 블록체인 플랫폼, 데이트 사이트로 방향전환

Olga Buzova’s blockchain platform can turn into a dating site

지난해, BuZar라는 암호화폐 프로젝트가 러시아에서 런칭되었었다. 이 프로젝트는 러시아의 유명한 미디어 인사인 올가 부조바(Olga Buzova)를 런칭했었지만, 오래가지 못하고 한달 후 동결되었다.
최근 올가가 새로운 유망 프로젝트를 만들고자 계획하고 있다고 전해졌다.
Last year, the Buzar cryptocurrency project was launched in Russia. The project launched Olga Buzova, a famous media personality from Russia, but it did not last long and was frozen a month later.
Olga is reportedly planning to build a new promising project.

BuZar의 언론 서비스는 블록체인 플랫폼이 데이트 사이트를 위해 다시 만들어 질 것이라고 발표했다. 매우 흥미롭게도 개발자들은 과거 프로젝트의 완벽한 실패에 굴하지 않고 계속 앞으로 나아갈 준비가 되어 있다고 한다.
The press service of BuZar announced that the blockchain platform will be remade for a dating site. It is extremely interesting that the developers were not embarrassed by the sheer failure of the past project and they are ready to move on.

BuZar는 ‘market place and communication P2P-Platform이라 자체 생태계를 가지고 있었음에도 대중의 관심 부족으로 글로벌 시장에 진입할 수 없었다.
그러나 이번에 동서고금을 막론하고 최고의 베스트셀러인 데이트 사업에 뛰어들면서 Buzcoin과 BuZar 플랫폼이 어떠한 모습으로 선보일지 기대된다.
Although BuZar had its own ecosystem called ‘marketplace and communication P2P-Platform’, it could not enter the global market due to lack of public interest.
But this time, it is expected that the Buzcoin and BuZar platforms will show off in the business of dating, which is the best and best selling ever and happening.