Ethereum, can be the first public blockchain participating in Hyperledger Consortium?

Ethereum is expected to join Hyperledger for the first time in the public blockchain. However, the Technical Steering Committee under the Hyperledger Open Source Consortium must first approve ConsenSys’ acceptance of the Pantheon project set up by Ethereum co-founder Joseph Rubin.

Pantheon is a series of services that PegasSys has built on Ethereum. Pegasis is a team of about 50 consensus developers. The Java-based Pantheon Ethereum client is used to develop enterprise applications with features such as privacy protection and authorization.

If the acceptance is passed, Pantheon’s protocol will be controlled by the Hyperledger Consortium, along with IBM’s Hyperledger Fabric and Intel’s Hyperledger Sawtooth.

As is known, the Pantheon is expected to be the first public blockchain project to enter Hyperledger Umbrella. Thus, the Pantheon code is open to Hyperledger’s GitHub, allowing all developers to contribute.
The Pantheon works on the Ethereum public network and test networks such as Rinkeby, Ropsten, and Görli.

Hyperledger’s courtship towards Ethereum dates back to Burrow, the third of its implementation in April 2017. The Hyperledger Consortium also decided in October last year to establish a common blockchain standard with the Ethereum Business Alliance and to collaborate to create a wider open source community.

On the other hand, R3, a competitor of the hyperledger enterprise blockchain, has aggressively recruited talent last month, doubling the size of its London office and creating a second development hub.

( source : The Block Post )