Crypto Market Today

( 2019. 08. 23 16:45 GMT+9 )

One-Line Market Commentary

The cryptocurrency market has remained maintenance trend over the past week.
Bitcoin’s price rose slightly to recover $ 10,000, but its daily trading volume dropped by nearly 30%.
However, all other major cryptocurrencies remain maintenance trend, with prices and trading volumes similar to last week.
Based on CoinMarketCap, there are currently 2,475 cryptocurrencies in circulation, with a total market capitalization of $ 267.3 billion and a daily trading volume of $ 55.4 billion, of which 68.4% is Bitcoin.

Cryptocurrencies Ranking

Top 5 Cryptocurrencies

No.1 Bitcoin (BTC)

No.2 Ethereum (ETH)

No.3 Ripple (XRP)

No.4 Bitcoin Cash (BCH)

No.5 Litecoin (LTC)

( Source : )